Study center for mysticism, natural medicine
and the New Age 

מרכז לימודים למיסטיקה, לרפואה טבעית ולעידן החדש


Română   Pусский     عربيه   and other languages   
The website is undergoing updates during March-April 2025  

Choose the one that is right for you at this momen
תבחרו את האחד שהכי הולם אתכם/ן ברגע הזה:
Learning personal development
and self-awareness

What problem do you have at this point in your life that you want a solution and an answer to?
Gemstones and crystals Natural medicine and self rebalance and healing
Helping animals and Green Envieonment Guided imaginary and meditaions
This page will be updated soon


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